The disastrous result of Kollywood Actor, Suriya’s recent release, Kanguva gave nightmare to all the parties involved. The film ended up its run nearly around 100 crores worldwide also becoming the biggest disaster of Kollywood. The makers of the film have still not figured out the actual reason for the disposal of the film by the audience. One of the Producers of the film has now blamed some section of people for the ill-result of Kanguva which feels shocking.
Co-Producer of the film, Dhananjeyan interacted on YouTube about Kanguva and its result as well. He felt that two particular fandoms of Kollywood targeted Kanguva alongwith another two Political parties which resulted in the negative result of the film. He emphasized that these two fandoms, directly referring to Vijay and Ajith fans, didn’t want Suriya to reach the next level of Kollywood and worked to bring the film down. Alongwith this, the Producer targeted few political parties for causing the negativity around the film as well.
Dhananjeyan said that the team of Kanguva is not at all happy with the result and these activities surrounding Suriya and the film. With these statements, the team of Kanguva is still not in terms and completely staying away from the reality. They must accept that the content provided to the audience is below par and doesn’t meet the required stuff of a Pan India biggie. Actress and Wife of Suriya, Jyothika too previously made same statements slamming those who had spread negativity around the film also backing the film’s content as a perfectly made one.