Tamil Actor, Suriya is currently working for his big budgeted film, Kanguva. The film is made on a high scale aiming for a Pan India release as well. Kanguva’s teaser also released which showcased amazing performance from the lead actor Suriya as well as the budget put into the film. Now, Kanguva sequel, Kanguva 2 has been officially announced by the makers.
Kanguva is produced by K.E. Gnanavel Raja under his Studio Green banner. The film was announced to release on 10th October which has been confirmed again by the producer now. He said that the director of Kanguva, Siva had come up with 4 ideas and that they thought Kanguva was the best choice among the stories. He also said that audience would watch this for the visual experience and Suriya too had agreed for the film.
Kanguva now will be a two part film. The script for the sequel is also getting ready it seems. The sequel’s shoot will happen by next year’s end or the early 2026. The makers are planning to release the film in either January or April of 2027 as well. Fans and Audiences have high hopes on Kanguva. The expectations will further go high after the trailer’s release.