Kangana Ranaut’s upcoming film, Emergency geared up for release today. But the film’s release was halted by Bombay High Court raising concern over certain depictions in the film. The film was also denied certification by the CBFC board recently. Now, Kangana Ranaut has officially announced the postponement of Emergency to some other date.
The film is also directed by Kangana Ranaut making it her directorial debut. The Actress recently became an MP from the BJP and has been under criticism for being over-vocal for BJP. The Actress also indulges in creating controversies with her tweets and replies on X/Twitter. Likewise, she made a film now portraying the character of former Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi. This didn’t go well with Congress Party and others who took objection. They feel that this was her act of degrading former Prime Minister and her party.
All these have led to the stoppage of release and postponement of Emergency. Kangana took to X/Twitter and said that she had to postpone the film. She said that a new release date would be announced soon and also thanked people for understanding and patience. We have to see if Emergency actually releases amid this amount of criticism and uproar.