Senior Tamil star hero Kamal Hassan and an outstanding director Gautham Vasdev Menon delivered a blockbuster Vetaiyaadu Vilaiyaadu dubbed as Raghavan in Telugu. It was a commercial cop story featuring Kamal Hassan, Jyothika and Kamalini Mukherjee in the lead roles. This film was declared as a blockbuster hit of 2006 in Kollywood. Now, the latest news says that this successful duo is to pair up once again for the sequel of Raghavan.
Gautham Menon in his last interview shared that he had already completed 120 pages of script for Raghavan 2 and the last 30 min part is yet to be penned. He also mentioned that the script starts with an iconic opening scene and there are many exciting scenes in it. As of now, the director is confident of convincing Kamal Hassan. If Kamal says yes to this project, soon Raghavan 2 will go on sets. It will be bankrolled by Vels Film International.
Currently, Kamal Hassan is busy with the prestigious project Indian 2 directed by Shankar. On the other hand, Gautham Vasudev Menon is working on Dhruva Natchathiram starring Chiyaan Vikram and Ritu Verma. Raghavan 2 may go on the floor after the completion of these two projects.