Kamal Haasan’s multistarrer with Fahadh and Vijay Sethupathi was released on June 3rd in theatres. The film opened to mammoth collections on the opening Friday followed by an excellent Saturday. Vikram is running super strong at the box office, grossing more than 100 crores in just 2 days.
In the Tamil version alone, Vikram has crossed more than 90 crores in 2 days. Going by the trade analysis and reports, the Sunday collections are expected to be way bigger than the opening day collections in many territories. Vikram is posting ghostly numbers in the opening weekend itself.
If this trend continues, Vikram has every chance to become a Tamil version industry hit. If Vikram passes the weekday test then there will be no stopping Kamal and the crew from breaking all records. The film needs to collect 270 Cr+ gross in Tamil to become an industry hit.
Apart from Kamal Haasan, Fahadh, and Vijay Sethupathi, credit needs to be given to Suriya as well. His 5-minute electrifying cameo in the film has led to repeat watchers in theatres. Director Lokesh Kanagaraj jas set up a multiverse of madness with references to his 209 film Kaithi as well.
Read the review of Vikram here.