Tamil Actor Kamal Haasan has lined up exciting films with few directors. But the Actor has been dropping out of these films for reasons unknown. He earlier collaborated with H. Vinoth for a film which also had an official announcement. But this was dropped. Kamal then signed one more film with Stunt Director, Anbarivu but it looks like he has dropped out of this film as well.
No one knows why Kamal Haasan has pulled out of these two films. But this is very surprising. He is currently working for Thug Life directed by Mani Ratnam. The film’s shoot has also been wrapped up recently. The entire unit met and celebrated after wrapping up the film. Actor Simbu also plays a pivotal role in the film. The film is being planned to release during next year’s summer.
Other than this, he has Indian 3 which may release only after Thug Life. No one knows when the shoot for Indian 3 would start as well. He is also said to be in talks for Atlee and Salman Khan’s rumoured film. He also has Kalki 2898 AD sequel where he plays the Antagonist role. So, let’s see which film he okays as a solo Actor.