Actor Kamal Haasan and Director Mani Ratnam both collaborated after 36 years for their upcoming film, Thug Life. The film also stars Simbu in a pivotal role alongside Trisha playing the female lead role. Thug Life shoot has been wrapped up today as announced by the team officially. A video was also released where the unit gathered and called it a wrap.
Some of the making shots were also revealed in the video and it showed big budget being used in the film. However, the release date of the film was not announced. The teaser of the film will also release shorty. Fans and Audience have been waiting eagerly for the film to see both Kamal Haasan and Mani Ratnam coming up after 36 years. It is also Kamal Haasan’s 234th film.
Earlier Thug Life was scheduled for Diwali this year but it stands postponed. The film is also believed to arrive this year mostly during November. But we have to see how the team plans this. Recently Kanguva has occupied this November slot making its release date as November 14th. So, the team might have to postpone the film to Christmas.