Tollywood Actor, Nandamuri Kalyan Ram was surprisingly named in CAG report for the non-payment of interest for delayed filing of returns. The Actor is currently busy with two films will now have to deal with this issue. This is also Kalyan Ram’s first tax trouble.
The Comptroller and Auditor General in the report on Revenue sector audit stated that Kalyan Ram under Jubilee Hills-1 circle had filed the returns of July 2017 to October 2017 and February 2018 to March 2018 belatedly in December 2017, April 2018 and July 2018 and paid the tax dues in these returns by debiting the Electronic Cash Ledger. However, the interest amounting to 11.53 lakhs was not paid.
On this being pointed out, the department replied (April 2023) that the tax payer is in process of reconciling the interest calculation and information on same would be provided. We have to see how the Actor proceeds with this issue. He is currently busy with Bimbisara prequel film and untitled film, NKR21. Both are under production and most probably release next year. The Actor achieved big success with Bimbisara which grossed more than 60 crores worldwide. Kalyan Ram is on a roll after this success and he hopes Bimbisara 2 delivers him even more success.