Kalyan Ram’s Devil has been postponed due to a VFX delay. The fans of the Nandamuri family were waiting to see their favorite hero on screen after a long gap. But, sadly, the release of this highly anticipated film has been delayed. Due to a delay in VFX work, Nandamuri Kalyan Ram’s spy thriller “Devil” will not be released in theaters on November 24. As per the producers, the project has been postponed indefinitely.
The message reads as follows: “The delay is due to unexpected technical issues with the background score and VFX. Rest assured, we’re working tirelessly to ensure an unforgettable cinematic experience! Stay tuned for the new release date of ‘Devil’!”
Kalyan Ram plays the role of a British agent in Devil. The period drama is directed and produced by Abhishek Nama. Samyuktha is the female lead, while Malavika Nair plays an important role.
Kalyan Ram had planned to release the film shortly after ‘Bimbisara,’ but it is being postponed due to a delay in completing the visual effects.