Kalyan Ram’s Devil censor report and runtime details are out. It is widely known that the recently released trailer movie has created a good buzz in audiences, which helped the film business. The theatrical business for the film has been done for more than 20 Crores. Kalyan Ram’s Devil censor report and runtime details are out.
Reportedly, the film Devil was made on a massive budget with an exciting storyline. There have been some issues between the director and the producer, resulting in the producer, Abhishek Nama, officially becoming the movie’s director. The film will be released on 29th December as a New Year’s weekend special.
According to the reports, the movie has completed censor formalities with a U/A Certificate, and the runtime is said to be 148 minutes (2 hours and 28 minutes). Kalyan Ram’s Devil censor report and runtime details are out.
Devil story, Cast and Crew details
Devil is a period drama set in the British era. In this film, Samyuktha is the heroine, and Kalyan Ram portrays the role of a British agent. Malavika Nair plays a crucial role in the movie.
The movie’s trailer promised a high-voltage action thriller that will enthrall audiences. It starts with a murder mystery and ends with a patriotic angle. Abhishek’s picture is the banner behind the Devil. Srikanth Vissa provided the film’s story and dialogues. Soundarajan handled the cinematography. Gandhi Nadikudikar dealt with the artwork. Harshavardhan Rameshwar scored the music.