Kalki 2898 AD, the much-awaited film of Tollywood is all set to release on June 27 this weekend. The film’s trailer has already been released and received a very good response clocking more than 30 Million Views. However, the only aspect that was not good about the film was its music. Kalki 2898 AD music is really disappointing and not up to the mark.
Kalki 2898 AD’s second trailer was released yesterday. It was well cut one focussing more on the emotions in the film. The visuals of the film look promising but anything that disappoints is the music score. The background score is also not up to the mark and this continued with the second trailer as well. The score didn’t register well with the audience.
The film may not have songs considering the genre of the film. Anything that has to save the film is the background score which doesn’t feel great. Santhosh Narayanan acts as the music director of the film. He is also known for composing good Background scores for Tamil films. But it looks like his mark is missing this time. The team of Kalki 2898 AD took care of every department except the music. Let’s wait and hope for the best.