Kalki 2898 AD starring Prabhas was a sensational blockbuster. The film created all time record opening with 41 Lakh gross at AMB Cinemas and it continued for the first week as well. In first week, the film collected 2.1 crores gross which was also an All time record for any film there. In the full run, the film collected 4.42 crores and broke previous record held by RRR with 4.36 crores. Kalki 2898 AD became an All time biggest grosser at AMB Cinemas from it’s release to the end.
The film received a unanimous positive response from all section of people and started creating multiple records on all territories. The film has also grossed more than 400 crores gross alone in the Hindi Version. This was a huge blockbuster performance for a Telugu film there. Prabhas craze and popularity in Hindi belt has helped the film a lot.
Prabhas also became the only actor to have more than two 1000 crore grossers worldwide. Only Shah Rukh Khan holds this record with his Pathaan and Jawaan. Prabhas is also the only actor from Telugu Film Industry to have a solo 500 crore grosser with Salaar. Now, with Kalki 2898 AD he looks to establish himself even further.