Kalki 2898 AD starring Prabhas is on a record spree ever since its release. The film has now joined the 500 crore Nett club and Kalki 2898 AD also becomes the 8th film to hit 500 crore Nett in India. The film has also managed to sale around 10 Million i.e., 1 crore tickets on the ticket platform, Book My Show as well.
Baahubali 2 was the first film to cross the 500 crore nett in the country and it even breached the 1000 crore Nett inthe full run as well. KGF Chapter 2 stands as the second film to hit 850 crore+ Nett. RRR comes on 3rd followed by Jawaan, Animal, Pathaan and Gadaar. Now, Kalki 2898 AD has joined this list officially. The film is also expected to reach the 600 crore Nett in the full run as per the trade analysts.
Baahubali 2, KGF Chapter 2, and Jawaan have only managed to collect 600 crore Nett in India. Kalki 2898 AD may settle with the fifth position in this club now. The film has already entered the 900 crore gross mark worldwide and may reach the 1000 crore gross mark as well if all goes well. But, Indian 2 is releasing this weekend which might impact Kalki 2898 AD collections. We have to see if Kalki 2898 AD continues its good run in the third weekend as well.