‘Queen of Masses’ Kajal Agarwal was last seen in the titular lead role in Satyabhama (2024), a crime thriller directed by Suman Chikkala. Released amidst decent expectations, the film received mixed reviews and eventually underperformed at the box office.
However, it received some praise for the performances, particularly that of Kajal as a cop. Without any hustle and bustle, this film has arrived in the streaming space. For those who’ve missed it on the big screens, Satyabhama is now available for streaming on Amazon’s Prime Video.
The film narrates the tale of ACP Satyabhama, a young cop who’s investigating the case of a missing person. Things take a turn when the case unravels a dark conspiracy in the town. Besides Kajal, the film also features Prakash Raj and Naveen Chandra in supporting roles. Sricharan Pakala has composed the film’s tunes.