” Dilli will return soon,” said Director Lokesh Kanagaraj. The young and talented director today attended Karthi’s upcoming film Japan’s pre-release event in Chennai. At the event, during his speech, he updated fans on the most awaited film, Kaithi 2, and said that Dilli will return soon. He also stated that first, the Sequel for Kaithi will be made, and then a standalone movie on Suriya’s Rolex will arrive.
Lokesh Kanagaraj, who is fresh from the massive success of Leo, will work with Superstar Rajinikanth on his next film. After that, he will direct Kaithi 2, followed by a standalone movie on Rolex.
It is widely known that Lokesh is a close friend of Karthi, which is why he attended the latter’s film event, which brought great excitement to the fans. As he entered the Nehru Indoor Stadium, the fans roared with joy.
Kaithi 2 has a massive craze not only in Tamil but also in Telugu audiences as well. Because the Dilli character is the most loved in LCU and at the box office, the film will take a massive opening.
Earlier, Karthi and producers had announced that after Leo, they were planning to go ahead with Kaithi 2 on a massive budget. But in between, Lokesh Kanagaraj has signed his next with Rajinikanth, and Kaithi 2 will start after this film.