Superstar Rajinikanth and director P.A. Ranjith share great professional as well as personal camaraderie. The duo has so far worked on films such as Kabali and Kaala where Superstar was showcased in an all-new avatar by the director. The common theme of both these movies was Rajini fighting against the authorities and his work was well appreciated by critics and fans.
While Rajini’s on-screen persona is that of an anti-establishment figure, off-screen, he is quite close to those in power both at central and state levels. Rajini’s huge stature in society and his massive contribution to the movie world has created a separate standing for him and this is why the Superstar was invited to the Ayodhya Ram Mandir inauguration.
P.A. Ranjith who is a vocal critic of the central government expressed his disappointment and Rajini’s statement on the Ayodhya Ram Temple. In today’s interaction media questioned P.A. Ranjith on Rajinikanth attending the Ayodhya Ram Temple opening ceremony.
Ranjith replied that he did not have any problem with that and it’s completely Rajinikanth’s decision to attend or miss the ceremony. Ranjith added that he has an objection to the statement by Rajini where he said, “500 years old issue has been solved”. Ranjith said that the politics behind the issue was questionable. “I’ve criticism against his opinion,” said the director.