Young and talented hero Kiran Abbavaram stars in the period thriller “KA.” Nayan Sarika and Tanvi Ram play the lead heroines. Presented by Mrs. Chinta Varalakshmi and produced by Chinta Gopalakrishna Reddy under the banner Srichakraas Entertainments, the film boasts impressive production values.
The film which raised prospects with its intriguing promotional content had grand paid premieres across AP & TG. The film got off to a flying start, with a terrific response from paid premieres. The special premieres received a super positive reception from the audience.
Everyone is enjoying this brilliantly written thriller that offers a thrilling experience on the big screen. Kiran Abbavaram, Nayan Sarika, and Tanvi Ram deliver nonstop laughs due to their impeccable timing. The team is extremely happy about the success and the positive reviews pouring in for the film.
It looks like this content-rich thriller is set to be a winner this Diwali season. What was initially thought to be just a simple thriller has a solid emotional core and powerful writing that engages everyone until the end. The climax delivers goosebumps to everyone with a mind-blowing twist that has never been seen in Indian cinema.
The film released in Telugu by producer Vamsi Nandipati and in Malayalam by hero Dulquer Salmaan through his Wayfarer Films