Actress Jyotika has strongly defended Kanguva, starring Suriya, in the wake of widespread criticism. The film, which opened to predominantly negative reviews and underwhelming box office numbers grossing approximately ₹68 crore in its first three days has faced backlash for its pacing and overall execution.
However, Jyotika, speaking as a “cinema lover” rather than Suriya’s wife, penned a heartfelt note addressing the situation. She acknowledged the flaws in the film, particularly the first 30 minutes and the jarring sound design.
Yet, she emphasized that imperfections are common in Indian cinema, especially in experimental big-budget films. Jyotika praised Kanguva as a “cinematic spectacle” and highlighted its innovative camera work and execution, calling it a first for Tamil cinema.
Criticizing the media and certain groups for their harsh reviews, she pointed out that films with regressive tropes and outdated narratives often escape such scrutiny. She questioned why Kanguva’s positives like its women-led action sequence and the emotional storyline were overshadowed by negativity.
Jyotika expressed disappointment over what she described as organized negativity targeting the film even before its first shows concluded. She called ‘Kanguva’ an ambitious effort deserving recognition for its groundbreaking visuals and bold concept. Her statement concluded with encouragement for the team to remain proud despite the criticism.
As debates over ‘Kanguva’ continue, Jyotika’s impassioned response highlights the challenges of balancing artistic ambition with audience expectations in Indian cinema.