As per the latest reports, Tamil director Vetrimaran is all set to collaborate with Jr NTR and Dhanush. As per the buzz, this project will be a 2 part film with Jr NTR starring in one while Dhanush will be cast in another. This project will be bankrolled by Mythri Movie Makers.
Verimaaran is currently filming Suriya starter Vaadivaasal and this project with Tarak and Dhanush will start after he wraps up his current commitments. If this project with Jr NTR and Dhanush indeed materializes then it will be truly an exciting one. Vetrimaaran, a 5 time National Award-winning director is known for his raw and rugged portrayals and gripping screenplay.
Dhanush is a frequent collaborator with the director and has starred in 4 of Vetrimaaran’s movies including blockbusters Vada Chennai and Asuran. NTR’s collaboration with the director is a much-awaited one and it will indeed be a great display of his acting prowess.
At the moment Tarak is involved in NTR30 under Koratala Siva’s direction. While the film hasn’t taken off yet, there are high expectations on the project. NTR30 will be up for release in 2024.