Jayam Ravi’s recent announcement of divorce from his wife Aarti came as a shock to everyone. The couple, who have been married for 15 years were quite open about their love for each other, and their social media handles and public appearances always evoked great love.
Shockingly, Jayam Ravi announced their divorce last week. He said that after much thought, reflections, and discussions he had taken the difficult decision to proceed with the dissolution of his marriage with Aarthi. He also expressed that this decision was not a hasty one but stemmed from personal reasons.
Now, this divorce announcement has taken another surprising turn with his wife Aarti stating she was not aware of this announcement and it was made without her consent.
In her statement, she mentioned that the announcement was made without her knowledge or consent. She also wrote that she had been trying to have an open dialogue with Ravi regarding their relationship, but her efforts went in vain.