Shahrukh Khan’s Jawan directed by Atlee released in theatres worldwide on Thursday. The film has got off to a terrific start and has set record figures on Day 1 and continued tremendous job on Day 2 as well. Both domestic as well as the global box office are on fire and this action -entertainer has now amassed a gross collection of ₹129.6 crore worldwide. With this, Jawan has registered the biggest opening day in the history of Hindi cinema.
The film maintained a very strong hold today as well despite it being a weekday and the night shows are sensational in all territories. These numbers surely promise a Record-breaking weekend which will definitely be the highest ever for Bollywood. On day 2 the film is expected to collect more than 50Cr net in India. Another great news for the team is that day 2 overseas is bigger than Day 1. Overall worldwide day gross in the range of Rs 100Cr which is just unbelievable.
Red Chillies Entertainment, Shahrukh’s production house shared the day 1 record poster and wrote, “As Jawan says, “Yeh toh bas shuruaat hai” (this is just the beginning). Thank you for the Massy-ive love” The caption was accompanied by a poster of Jawan that outlined the Day 1 collections of the film to be ₹129.6 crore, which is “The biggest opening day in the history of Indian cinema.”