Shah Rukh Khan’s latest action entertainer, Jawan is having a phenomenal run at the box office, and it looks like the record-breaking spree will not end anytime soon. While the film is racing towards achieving the magical number of 1000Cr Gross worldwide, it becomes the 6th film to join 500Cr net club in India.
Jawan, the film will comfortably cross the 500Cr net mark [All languages ] in India today. It will become the 6th Indian film and only the 3rd Bollywood film to achieve this milestone.
The list of films that have crossed 500Cr net in India are here:
Baahubali 2
Gadar 2
Jawan is Shah Rukh Khan’s second release of the year after Pathaan. The cast includes Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi, Priyamani, and Sanya Malhotra. Deepika Padukone, Sanjay Dutt also appeared in extended cameos in the film. Directed by Atlee, the film’s music has been scored by Anirudh Ravichander.
Shah Rukh played the roles of a Jailer and an Intelligence Officer in the film, and he uses a small army of female convicts to act as a vigilante. He sets out to retribution the Indian public for the years of corruption perpetrated by businessmen and politicians.