Tollywood Dance choreographer, Jani Master has recently stuck in a legal controversy. The Choreographer was alleged to have sexually assualted his female dance colleague. The police took him into custody immediately and the Jani was also sent to jail under remand. He was released yesterday after nearly a month. But Jani Master still looks not bothered about what has happened.
Jani Master was spotted wearing popular garment used by Pawan Kalyan in his political party. Jani Master has been an active member of Pawan Kalyan’s political party, Janasena until he was suspended officially after the controversy. So, it gave rise to a question if Jani Master wanted to give a message that he was still part of Janasena Party.
This behaviour of Jani Master is completely irresponsible. He must act according to the law as well. Many netizens have also been trolling Jani Master for his activity. No one understood how Jani could make himself a member of Janasena Party when he stands officially suspended. Or did he get any assurance from Pawan Kalyan re-assigning him as the member of the party ? We have to wait and see.