Tollywood Dance Choreographer Jani who became the centre of controversy recently has condemned the ban rumours surrounding him in the film Industry. The Choreographer was booked and later jailed by the police for an alleged sexual abuse on a female choreographer. Jani since then has stopped working for films and now has resurfaced defending himself surprisingly.
He released a video in which he said that no one could stop people who are talented and also confirmed working for a song in the upcoming film of Ram Charan, Game Changer. Till now, everyone thought that Jani Master was denied opportunities in the film Industry for embroiling in a big controversy. But it is really shocking to learn about Ram Charan and the team of Game Changer offering him a chance.
This will definitely send a wrong message to other film personalities. Any person who is under the charges of sexual abuse or harrassment must be detained in any way working for the film Industry. But Jani Master’s words seem to be coming as a great surprise and irony.