Janhvi Kapoor made her debut in Bollywood with Dhadak. She also happens to be the daughter of Female Superstar, Sridevi. Janhvi didn’t make her mark properly with her Hindi films till now. She was never credited for any of her performances in the films. But it looks like Janhvi has now slapped Bollywood and its makers with her Telugu Debut film, Devara.
Janhvi is playing the female lead role in Devara starring NTR. The film’s second single, Chuttamalle has released recently and it presented Janhvi in a gorgeous Avatar. Janhvi looked absolutely stunning and showed great dominance in the song with her beauty. Many are identifying the missing of this mark of Janhvi in her Bollywood films. They are even blaming the directors and makers of Bollywood for not using Janhvi properly. It seems Janhvi has finally got her long due in the form of a good reception from audience.
Chuttamalle has already become a big sensation clocking more than 33 Million Views in 24 hours after its release. It is also reaching the 50 Million Views mark on YouTube. The song has also raised the expectations of Devara further. Janhvi is also a part of the upcoming film of Ram Charan directed by Buchi Babu Sana. It looks Janhvi will have a long way to go in South with these films.