Janhvi Kapoor’s name is suddenly making some noise in Tollywood circles after she was confirmed as the lead actress for NTR 30. The actress has in past expressed her interest to share the screen with the likes of NTR, Allu Arjun, and Vijay Deverakonda, and finally, it has come true with this ambitious project.
As per reports, the actress is charging a bomb for these Telugu projects. Reportedly Janhvi Kapoor was approached for 2 Tollywood films and she quoted a massive fee for working on these films. The number quoted by her shocked many as it was way higher than that of top actress of Tollywood.
While hiking remuneration is not a new trend in any industry, Janhvi charging a bomb for her first Tollywood film has shocked many. Mrunal Thakur, who is one film old in Tollywood has also hiked her fee but that is majorly due to the massive demand she gained after Sita Ramam. Mrunal is currently charging Rs 1 crore.
Similarly, Rashmika has also hiked her fees to Rs 5 crores after the massive success of Pushpa. While it makes sense in the case of these leading ladies, Janhvi’s undisclosed massive remuneration has stunned many. For the unversed , her last theatrical release Roohi and Mili failed at the box office.