With his latest film, Jailer, Superstar Rajinikanth has achieved what is considered one of the greatest comebacks ever. Jailer emerged as an all-time Blockbuster in Kollywood and smashed multiple records in only 11 days of its release. The remarkable screen presence of Rajinikanth, the quirky taking of Nelson, the roaring BGM of Anirudh, and the enthralling cameos of Mohanlal and Shivarajkumar made this film a huge box office hit. However, despite being a massive success, Jailer has no chance of beating Ponniyin Selvan in his homeland, i.e, Tamil Nadu.
Jailer has created a sensation everywhere and achieved all-time records, but in its homeland, Tamil Nadu, the movie has no chance to create all-time record. Jailer collected around 155Cr gross in Tamil Nadu until now and stands at No 3 behind films like Vikram and Ponniyin Selvan 1.
The movie is likely to beat Vikram and settle at the position of top 2. While the Mani Ratnam’s Magnum Opus Ponniyin Selvan 1 has collected around 230Cr gross in Tamil Nadu and Jailer needs another 75Cr gross to beat it which is a highly impossible task. So Ponniyin Selvan 1 will remain as the top grosser in Tamil Nadu.
Post the debacle of his last project Annaatthe, the monstrous success of this action entertainer has given a massive boost to Superstar fans, with the film registering record collections in multiple centres.