Jailer has a huge lead over Leo in official ticket bookings. The Kollywood folks know the competition between Superstar Rajinikanth and Thalapathy Vijay. Though both the stars respect each other at a personal level, the fandoms of these stars are in constant quarrels over the discussion of who is the biggest star in both of them. Vijay’s latest film, Leo, has become a massive blockbuster, but Jailer has a huge lead over Leo in official ticket bookings.It is widely known that Bookmyshow is the number one ticket booking portal in India, as most of the ticket bookings happen on this portal only. Recently, the BookMyShow platform started to show the stats of the number of tickets sold for each film daily.
The fans and audiences started comparing the films with these stats as they are the official stats by the BMS portal. The comparison started before the release of Leo with Jailer. After the advance bookings were opened, Leo took the lead over Jailer as it had sold around 2.5M + tickets, which includes pre-advance bookings + booking for day one, whereas Leo sold 3.1M + tickets for the same.
But after the opening day, Leo was never able to beat Jailer in advance bookings till now. From day 2 – day 20, Jailer has a lead over Leo. For 20 days, Leo has sold around 7.5 M+ + tickets on Bookmyshow, whereas Jailer sold 9M+ tickets, representing a huge 1.5 million tickets lead over Leo.