The Superstar Rajinikanth starrer Jailer was released yesterday and the film is going strong at the box office. The film has collected more than Rs 90 crore on the first day itself. Rajini fans are delighted with the way director Nelson Dilipkumar has shown their favorite hero. Apart from Rajini, Kannada superstar Shivarajkumar and Malayalam star hero Mohanlal were also be seen in crucial guest appearances in the film.
Both the cameos were very well received by the audiences and no such star appearance from Telugu was seen in the film. But the director, Nelson, in an interview that his team wanted to rope in Natasimham Nandamuri Balakrishna for a short yet powerful role of a badass cop. However, the character arc was not done properly, so he had to let the idea gone. These comments from Nelson have shaken the internet now.
The fans of Balayya are thinking what if the proposed role was set and Nandamuri Balakrishna did it, it would have been wonderful. Indeed, it is true, just imagine with Anirudh Ravichander’s background score, along with Shivarajkumar, and Mohanlal if Nandamuri Balakrishna had also walked on screen, the impact would have gone to the next level.
The fans of Balakrishna are now in mixed feelings. At one hand, they are happy that director Nelson thought of casting Balayya and on the other hand, they feel bad that they missed the chance of watching their favorite hero along with Rajinikanth on screen.