With no other big film in sight, Rajinikanth’s Jailer is continuing its victory run into its third week as well. The film has already established several records in multiple territories beyond Tamil Nadu and has emerged as the biggest blockbuster of the year in many areas. Due to its exceptional performance, Jailer has now become the 1st film ever to collect 50Cr gross in Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Telugu states. It is a new benchmark for Kollywood.
In Tamil Nadu, the movie has collected in the range of Rs 170Cr gross while AP and Telangana contributed the next biggest number with Rs 75Cr+ gross. Karnataka collections brought in Rs 57Cr+ gross while Kerala became the latest entrant into the Rs 50 crores club with Rs50Cr+ gross and counting. Jailer is also the 1st Kollywood film to collect more than Rs 50Cr gross in Kerala and Karnataka.
Jailer directed by Nelson Dilipkumar, stars Rajinikanth as retired police officer Tiger Muthuvel Pandian. Apart from Rajinikanth, Jailer also features Vinayakan, Ramya Krishnan, Vasanth Ravi, and Tamannaah Bhatia in pivotal roles. Veteran stars Shiva Rajkumar, Mohanlal, and Jackie Shroff also appear in the film which has been produced by Sun Pictures. Jailer’s music has been composed by Anirudh Ravichander.