It is very well known to everyone that on this Independence weekend, the Telugu audiences witnessed the box office clash between Megastar Chiranjeevi’s Bhola Shankar and Superstar Rajinikanth’s Jailer. While the latter has emerged as a thunderous winner, the former can not even recover the rents of the theaters.
After having a sensational weekend at the box office, Jailer is unstoppable even after Sunday in all territories, and Monday’s noon shows have started on a super strong note. The advance bookings are terrific for the other shows. The trade circles are very sure that it will garner excellent numbers tomorrow, the Independence Day.
On the other side, Chiranjeevi’s Bhola Shankar has completely crashed, as the noon shows of Monday are reporting disastrous numbers in all areas. Getting the rents for the theaters is an itself is like a big task for the film and the movie mostly will end up its run by tomorrow.
There is no doubt that both Chiranjeevi and Rajinikanth are superstars. Neither of these two can be underestimated for the success they have achieved. However, the choices of films has made the difference for the results of Bhola Shankar and Jailer.
While Rajinikanth played his age and appeared as an old man in Jailer, Chiranjeevi still has not come out of the middle-aged roles and formulaic potboilers. The audiences do not object to watch commercial content, but the packaging should be trendy and a bit exciting, which is completely missing in Bhola Shankar.