Jai Hanuman revolves around the promise given to Lord Rama, says Director Prashanth Varma. It is widely known that Young and talented Director Prashanth Varma has scored a sensational blockbuster with his latest film, Hanuman. While the audiences are eager to know about the film’s sequel, the director has given an interesting update about it.
Prashanth Varma talks about Jai Hanuman
In a recent interview, Prashanth Varma revealed about the story plot of the second part of HanuMan. Hanuman Part — 2 is titled as Jai Hanuman. “ In Jai Hanuman you will see the real God Hanuman in full form this time and a lot of combination scenes between our Superhero character, and God will be present. The story revolves around the promise given to Lord Rama” said Director Prashanth Varma.
Prashanth Varma did a magic as he made the film, HanuMan with a minimum budget and for the Sequel he does not have any limits on budget and the film will also have massive craze Pan India wide. So, this movie is expected to be a blast.
Hanuman, made by Prasanth Varma and produced by Primeshow Entertainment, stars Teja Sajja, Amritha Aiyer, Varalaxmi Sarath Kumar, Samuthira Khani, Vinay Rai, Vennela Kishore, Getup Srinu, and Raj Deepak Shetty in crucial roles. Hanuman marks the beginning of Prashant Varma’s Cinematic Universe (PVCU).