Jai Hanuman Pre production begins officially. It is widely known that the latest Indian Superhero film, HanuMan became a massive and sensational blockbuster at the box office. The audiences were awestruck by the visual excellence combined with entertaining content. Now the film’s Sequel, Jai Hanuman Pre production begins officially.
The Visionary Prasanth Varma Begins Pre-production Of Another Epic Adventure Jai Hanuman From the PVCU, On The Momentous Occasion Of Ram Mandir Inauguration. It is widely known that the entire India celebrated the inauguration of Ayodhya Ram Mandir.
Director Prasanth Varma has become popular nationwide after the historic success of Hanu-Man across the globe. The creative director is bringing us another Epic Adventure from The Prasanth Varma Cinematic Universe (PVCU).
Prasanth Varma announced a sequel titled Jai Hanuman towards the end of the prequel. The director already prepared the script for the sequel, which will be mounted on a large scale. This one is going to offer an experience like never before with a larger than life story, huge canvas and top-notch production and technical standards.
Prasanth Varma has chosen a propitious occasion to begin the pre-production. On the momentous day of the inauguration of the Ayodhya Ram Temple, Prasanth Varma took part in a Yagam in Hanuman temple in Hyderabad. The film’s script was placed in front of the idol of Hanuman, to take blessings for the project. They felt they can’t get a better occasion than this to commence the pre-production.
The unit also released a couple of posters. While one shows Prasanth Varma standing in front of the deity and holding the script, the other shows the last sequence from Hanu-Man where the sequel was announced. More details of this magnum opus will be revealed later.
JAI HANUMAN Official Posters: