Titled Bharateeyudu-2 in Telugu, Indian-2 is a vigilante thriller film starring Kamal Hassan in the lead role. The second installment in the series, it is a sequel to Indian (1996). Helmed by ace filmmaker Shankar Shanmugham, it received a mixed-to-negative response upon release and eventually bombed at the box office.
In spite of that, there’s significant buzz around the film’s OTT release, thanks to Shankar‘s unparalleled legacy. Coming to its streaming details, Indian-2 will have a digital premiere on 9th August on Netflix. Besides its original Tamil version, it will also be available in Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannda.
Lyca Productions has bankrolled this venture on a big scale. It also features Rakul Preet Singh, Priya Bhavani Shankar, Siddharth, S. J. Suryah, and Vivek in supporting roles. A third film in the franchise titled ‘Indian-3’ has already been shot and will arrive in cinemas very soon.