It is very well known to everyone that last year director P Vasu announced the sequel of the film ‘Chandramukhi 2’ featuring Raghava Lawrence and Kangana Ranaut in the lead roles. According to reports, the shooting for the movie has now been wrapped up. The film shooting happened in Mysore and Chennai and taking to social media, the moviemakers and cast of the film shared the photos from the movie sets.
Director P. Vasu had initially planned to make this sequel with Rajinikanth, but due to some unknown reasons, the film did not materialize, and he decided to make it with Lawrence. Lawrence has a super craze for horror films with the Kanchana series. Now, with the added advantage of being a Chandramukhi sequel, this movie has got a massive craze just with the announcement itself. It is also said that the movie will be released in mid-September this year on Vinayaka Chavithi.
The film’s cast also includes Vadivelu, Lakshmi Menon, Mahima Nambiar, Radhika Sarathkumar, Ravi Maria, Shrushti Dange, TM Karthik and Suresh Menon. The film’s music is composed by MM Keeravani who recently won the Oscars for ‘RRR’.
Director P Vasu is yet to reveal if the story of the film is the sequel to the same story of ‘Chandramukhi’ as a continuation or if it is a new story of horror comedy. More details are awaited from the moviemakers in the coming days. The movie also marks the comeback of Kangana Ranaut in Tamil cinema. She last acted in “Thalaivi”, the biopic of Late Jayalalitha, actress and former chief minister of Tamil Nadu.
Chandramukhi (2005) was one of the blockbuster films of Tamil Cinema. Featuring Rajinikanth, Prabhu, Jyothika and Nayanthara in the lead roles, the movie became a massive blockbuster in Telugu as well.