The day has started on a joyous note as Ram Charan and Upasana have been blessed with a baby girl at Apollo Hospitals in Hyderabad. The hospital released a note confirming the same and both mother and child are healthy and doing well.
The medical bulletin reads, “Ms Upasana Kamineni Konidela and Mr Ram Charan had a baby girl on 20th June 2023, at Apollo Hospital Jubilee Hills – Hyderabad. The baby and mother are doing well.
In December last year, the couple had announced about the pregnancy bringing great joy to fans and well-wishers. “With the blessings of Shri Hanuman Ji, we are delighted to share that Upasana & Ram Charan are expecting their first child. With love & gratitude Surekha & Chiranjeevi Konideli, Shobana & Anil Kamineni,” the couple announced.