Shahrukh Khan’s action film Jawan is only two months away from its theatrical release. The Atlee directorial marks the Bollywood debut of two Tamil stars – Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi. The encounter of these stars has made the film one of the most expected ones this year. And the regular leaks from film sets only help the film to get more hype, even though they give some spoilers.
A few days ago, footage of Shahrukh and Nayanthara shooting a song on a boat surfaced online. Now, another set of new photos from Jawan have become viral on the internet. These continuous leaks have raised a doubt that the film’s unit is intentionally leaking them to add to the craze for the film.
On Thursday night, several fans and Twitter users shared various leaked pics of a Shahrukh from the sets of Jawan. In the leaked pics, Shahrukh’s face was in bandages and clothes similar to the film’s first look reveal video, by which we can confirm that the pictures could be authentic.
Seeing the multiple pics being released from the shooting sets of the film, it gives a feeling that the team of Jawan is intentionally leaking the pics. Even Before also a Video byte from the film was released. It is normal in the film industry for a film unit to leak the pics from the shooting sets or a video as these leaks will raise the buzz, and it looks like the team of Jawan is also doing the same.