With RRR currently wreaking havoc at the worldwide box office, it seems to be the perfect time for the release of Ram Charan and Chiranjeevi’s Acharya. Acharya was set to release a long time ago but was delayed due to the rise of COVID-19 in the country.
RRR is currently dominating the box office and Ram Charan as Alluri Seetha Rama Raju has left a strong mark on the audiences. His avatar in the film has not only impressed the Telugu audiences but has also left an impact on the other languages’ audiences.
With the hype train going strong, April end seems to be the perfect time for the release of Acharya. The audiences are still in the Alluri trance and will readily accept Ram Charan’s role in Acharya. The audiences of the other languages are thinking that Alluri Seetha Rama Raju is the avatar of Lord Shri Ram.
They have connected with his character tremendously. Since Ram Charan is playing a spiritual role in Acharya, the audiences will find it easy to connect with him. With the massive success of RRR, Acharya is sure to do wonders due to Ram Charan’s current craze among the masses.