Iraivan, starring Jayam Ravi and Nayanthara, is streaming now on OTT. The Ott Giant has taken its social media account to inform that the film has started streaming in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada & Hindi on Netflix. The Viewers, especially Lady Superstar fans will be happy after learning Iraivan, starring Jayam Ravi and Nayanthara, is streaming now on OTT.
The release of Iraivan in cinemas on September 28th was met with great expectations. The movie’s trailer was a massive hit, promising the audience a spine-chilling serial killer drama, and everyone was eager to watch it in the theaters.
It was anticipated that Iraivan would have the same commercial success as Por Thozhil, which became one of the biggest box-office hits in Tamil this year. Por Thozhil was a thriller that focused on two cops racing against time to stop a serial killer from taking even more innocent lives. Let’s hope Iraivan, starring Jayam Ravi and Nayanthara, now streaming on OTT, will get a positive response.
Iraivan has prominent actors such as Narain, Charle, Ashish Vidyarthi, Vijayalakshmi, Azhagam Perumal, and Bagavathi Perumal in significant roles. The project was produced by Sudhan Sundaram and Jayaram G under their Passion Studios banner, with Yuvan Shankar Raja composing the music.
Iraivan, a Tamil word for God, tells the story of a series of gruesome murders of young women. However, there is an unexpected twist in the story. Unlike most serial killer movies, the whodunit trope is not observed in this movie. Instead, the main villain’s identity is revealed at the very beginning.