Indian 2 starring Kamal Haasan, Kajal Agarwal and Siddharth is the biggest of the upcoming Kollywood releases. Due to the blockbuster success of Indian (1996), the expectations are quite high on this action entertainer. While it is a known fact that Indian 2, much like its prequel will be a vigilante drama, the exact plot details are now out.
Indian 2 follows the life of Senapathy, an ex-freedom fighter (Kamal Hassan) turned vigilante who fights against corruption. Senapathy returns to the country to aid a young man (Siddarth) who has been exposing corrupt politicians in the country through videos on the internet.
Interestingly, after Indian 2, a sequel will also come up pretty soon. Indian 3, third film of the franchise will release 6 months after this part’s release on 12th July. Directed by Shankar, Indian 2 will have its audio launch on June 1 at the Nehru Indoor Stadium in Chennai.
Rajinikanth, Chiranjeevi and Ram Charan are among few who are expected to attend this event. The film’s music has been composed by Anirudh and while it hasn’t managed to create the buzz so far, fans are hoping the upcoming numbers will create some hype for the film.