Director Shankar sustained a big debacle this year in the form of Indian 2. The film became one of the biggest disasters of Kollywood to everyone’s shock. The usual plans of Indian 3 have been disturbed with this result with the makers opting for a direct OTT release. But now Shankar has confirmed that Indian 3 will release only in the theatres putting rest to all the speculative news.
Shankar said that he didn’t expect negative reviews for Indian 2 after the release. He also added saying that he didn’t take it to heart and concentrated on Game Changer which he felt that had come out very well. The Director also confirmed the release of Indian 3 to happen only in theatres but not on the OTT. However, he didn’t say when the shoot of Indian 3 would begin.
Game Changer is all set for release on 10th January next year as a Sankranthi bonanza. The team expects nothing short of a blockbuster. The pre-release event is all set to take place soon in USA.