Indian 2 starring Kamal Haasan released recently and bombed at the box office. The film didn’t match the expectations and failed miserably on the opening day itself. It has ended its run at the box office as it is running with disastrous occupancy. Indian 2 worldwide closing collections indicate it as a big disaster in the careers of both Shankar and Kamal Haasan.
Indian 2 has collected 52 crores gross in Tamil Nadu and 25 crores from the Telugu States. 9 crore gross has come from Karnataka and Kerala contributed a 5.75 crores gross. Rest of India added another 7 crores. Total Nationwide collections stand at 99 crores gross and the overseas market is reported to be 6.1 Million i.e., 51 crores. The total gross of the film is around 150 crores. This is a disastrous number in both Shankar and Kamal Haasan’s careers.
The film was expected to become a blockbuster at the time of announcement but the opposite happened which shocked everyone. Shankar is now in an embarrassing situation to revive the third part of the film, Indian 3. He also has Game Changer starring Ram Charan in the line up. We have to see what happens with these two films.