Viswaroopam starring Kamal Haasan was released in 2013. The legendary Actor also worked as the director of the film. Like Indian, Viswaroopam’s first part was a huge blockbuster. Kamal Haasan and the team of Viswaoopam received great applause for their hardwork and dedication. But the sequel of Viswaroopam, Viswaroopam 2 became a big disaster. Now, it feels like Indian 2 is also carrying Viswaroopam 2 Vibes.
Viswaroopam 2 carried big hype before release. But the film’s delayed release completely destroyed the hype and interest. It eventually become a disaster with poor openings and reviews as well. Now Indian 2 is also following the path of Viswaroopam 2 as Indian 2 has also been postponed several times. The content of Indian 2 shown in the trailer is also getting trolled heavily. There are even many doubts regarding the opening figures of Indian 2.
The team of Indian 2 should somehow generate more buzz by releasing interesting content from the film as promos. They shouldn’t take the audience for granted as pre-release buzz is very important for a film. A sequel craze will not help the film perform amazingly everytime at the box office. They should take this lesson from Viswaroopam 2.