Indian 2, Shankar’s current film is releasing today worldwide. The film is not just a film but a decider for Shankar’s fate. Shankar has been struggling with the content in his films and last film, 2.0 didn’t quite meet the expectations. Fans of Shankar felt that 2.0 didn’t live up to the expecations and worked for a bit only because of Rajinikanth’s stardom and sequel craze of Enthiran/Robo. Now, Shankar is coming again with a sequel of his yesteryear Blockbuster, Indian/Bharateeyudu. All eyes are on both Indian 2’s reviews and Shankar’s fate after these.
Shankar has lined up two films after Indian 2. He extended the Indian 2 series with the third part and confirmed it officially as well with Indian 3. The Director is also working for Game Changer starring Ram Charan which has completed its shoot almost. So, Indian 2 must work for Shankar to promote hype on to his next films. If the film secures a negative talk it will have a big affect on Indian 3 directly. People may not even show interest to come to the third part as well. So Indian 2 must work for Shankar by hook or crook.
The team is very confident about Indian 2. Kamal Haasan too has been speaking the same and he even said that he was waiting for Indian 3 more than Indian 2. So, Today will be the most important day for Shankar for his future films. Let’s wish him the best.