Shankar has deeply disappointed again with not announcing Indian 2 release date. It is widely known that Director Shankar and Ulaganaayagan Kamal Haasan have collaborated for Indian 2. The film has faced many hurdles in the shooting stage. The recent information and developments suggested that the film’s issues have been sorted out, and it will be released in Summer 2024.
However, the Tamil audiences and other movie lovers’ expectations did not come out true as Shankar has deeply disappointed again with not announcing the Indian 2 release date.
One cannot understand how a big director like Shankar can not plan the things correctly. He has three big films to get released in one year gap, they are Indian 2, Game Changer and Indian 3. Indian 2 has to be released in summer to allow to make game changer get released in September.
The shooting of Indian 2 has been completed and the Post Production works are in full swing. On the other side, Shankar is still shooting on Game Changer.
The fans and audiences expected the release date update of Indian 2 will arrive on Republic Day. But Shankar given a big disappointment again by not giving any update. No one has any clue about the Indian 2 movie’s release date until now as there has been no official announcement.
If the film fails to get a release date this summer then it will affect Game Changer as well, because it will be moved to either this year-end or next year if Indian 2 fails to arrive in Summer.