Indian 2 starring Kamal Haasan and directed by Maverick Director, Shankar is all set for release on July 12th worldwide. The team is busy promoting the film on various platforms. All the formalities of the film are also completed and the film’s censor has been done. Indian 2 also releasing as Bharateeyudu 2 in Telugu has been awarded a U/A certificate by the censor board officially.
Indian 2 runtime is also locked at 180.04 minutes i.e., exactly 3 hours. There are no explicit content related scenes as per the censor details. The objections raised by the censor board in the film are for some cuss words. Rest everything is fine. The team of Indian 2 looks very confident about the film and are hoping to start Indian 3 soon. Shankar too has been saying the same. Kamal Haasan too expressed the fact that he was more interested for Indian 3 than Indian 2.
The film has all chances of becoming a blockbuster if it hits the right chords. The songs composed by Anirudh Ravichander too have impressed the fans. But the released trailer was a bit disappointment. The team may release another release trailer ahead of the release. Let’s hope the best to happen.