Samantha’s Stylist Preetham Jukalker has been under lot of fire post the Naga Chaitanya and Samantha divorce. Preetham has been Samantha’s stylist for quite some time. He has come up and stated that he has been receiving death threats allegedly from Naga Chaitanya’s fans on various platforms.
This online attack is a result of rumours circulation about his increasing proximity with the actress of late. Speaking to an English daily, Jukalkar said that he calls Samantha ‘Jiji’ (elder sister in Hindi). So, there is no question of them being in a romantic relationship, he suggested.
Some trolls and anonymous handles have even given me threats to finish my career and even kill me. He suggested that it would have been great if Chai made a statement silencing the attackers. “It is Chaitanya’s stony silence on the whole issue that is hurting the most,” said the stylist.