Prashanth Neel – The name that vibrated all over India with the blockbuster KGF. This kannada director is only two films old and he created his own mark in the industry. His debut Ugramm with his brother in law Srimurali is a commercial success in kannada. And his second KGF is a blockbuster success not only in kannada but all over India. The director’s third KGF 2 is ready to release in two days. The director is very busy in promoting KGF2 and is giving interviews to various channels continuously. The straight forward director came up with an interesting answer for a question in one of the interviews.
In an interview when asked how he will get inspiration to write these kind of stories, the director came up with an unexpected response. Before answering he made sure with the host that it should not be removed in the editing. Prashanth Neel said that he writes his stories when he got drunk. Adding to that the director told that he will write when he feels high and move forward with the script if he feels the same high in the next day morning while he read the script. The video is going viral in the social media already.