Balagam, which was released as a low-budget film had became a blockbuster at the box office, even went on to get huge critical acclaim by winning many Awards. No one expected the film to get such applause, but it surprised everyone and became a big, successful one. Directed by Jabardasth comedian Venu, the film starred Priyadarshi in the lead role and Gangotri child artist Kavya Kalyan Ram as the female lead. Now, Kavya Kalyan Ram’s statements about her being body-shamed in an interview have gone viral.
Actually, Kavya made her debut as a heroine in the horror thriller Masooda, which was released last year. The film was a super hit but kavya did not get proper recognition as her role in the film did not have much importance. But, Balagam had won everyone’s heart, and she was also recognized with the film’s success. Directed by Venu Yeldandi, the family entertainer was released in March without any expectations and became a big hit at the box office.
Kavya Kalyan Ram recently participated in an interview where she shared her bitter experiences when she started her career as a heroine. In the glamour field, it is a known fact that heroines are expected to have to be slim and thin. But, Kavya is a little plump. As a result, some directors insulted Kavya badly on her face. At the time of auditions, some directors talked awfully to Kavya about her body sizes.
She was told by the directors that she was not fit enough to play heroine roles. Kavya also claimed in a recent interview that many people had even begun to body-shaming her. However, Kavya said that she did not give up her efforts to be an actress. Kavya Kalyan Ram’s comments are now going viral.