Sathyaraj who played one of the roles in Bahubali as Kattappa says he played the role in Radhe shyam only for Prabhas. Sathyaraj who is a renowned tamil actor did a cameo role in Radhe Shyam. This role was played by Veteran Tollywood Actor, Krishnam Raju in Telugu who also happens to be Prabhas’ Paternal Uncle. Sathyaraj was approached to play this role for the Tamil version.
Sathyaraj who was a Tamil Actor played an important role as father of Prabhas in Mirchi. He also played one of the major roles in Bahubali as Kattappa, guardian of Bahubali Prabhas. Friendship of Prabhas and Sathyaraj had grown since these film between the two actors. This friendship has led the makers to approach him for the role. Sathyaraj too okayed the role without any hesitation.
Moreover this kind of approach even offers the film a Pan-India appeal. So Prabhas too might have requested Sathyaraj to be a part of this project. On the other hand, Radhe Shyam trailer received good applause from all section of audiences. Radhe shyam is gearing up for release on March 11. It is going to be the third Pan-India film for Prabhas after Bahubali and Sahoo. If this film strikes well with audience Prabhas might completely focus on his journey even in Bollywood. Prabhas is currently doing Project K directed by Nag Ashwin and Adi Purush directed by Om Raut.